stink bug on tomato plant

Cloudy Skies, Icky Critters: Why Do I See So Many Bugs After Rain?

If you’ve lived through a couple of dry months without much precipitation, a nice, drenching rain can feel like a welcome relief. Your lawn and plants are happier, and temperatures usually drop to a more comfortable level. However, for some homeowners, unwanted visitors can come with a cooling rainstorm.

If you’re a homeowner who has noticed an uptick in bugs after rain storms, you’re not alone.

Rain can create the perfect conditions for critters to invite themselves into your home. Luckily, there are things you can do to keep your home protected against pests, no matter the weather. Keep reading to find out.

Rain, Humidity, and Pest Infestations

If you’ve noticed more bugs after a rain, you’re not imagining things. Pests like ants, cockroaches, ticks, spiders, and more rely on water to survive, and the extra moisture in the environment can entice them out of hiding and explore these new water sources.

Additionally, rain can trigger many types of plants to release chemicals or hormones that attract insects. Debris, like leaves, can be loosened in the rain, providing a new food source for pests. Alternatively, the extra moisture has driven these bugs from their usual homes, and they’re looking for a new place to roost while everything dries out.

Preventing Bugs in House after Rainfall

If you’re tired of seeing bugs in your home after the rain, there are some simple steps you can take to prevent pests from entering. Take a regular inventory of your foundation and exterior, examine for cracks, and seal up any potential points of entry. It’s also a good idea to check your pipes and plumbing for signs of leaks.

Another easy way to deter pests is to ensure they don’t have a food source in your home. Food storage best practice goes a long way. Avoid leaving food on the counters, sweep up crumbs, and securely store food, even shelf-stable goods like cereal, in airtight containers.

The Need for a Local Pest Control Expert

A DIY approach can be a good maintenance strategy for mild pest problems like the occasional ant or spider. But if you’ve noticed swarms of ants, several cockroaches, or persistent signs of spiders and centipedes, it’s time to call in the pros.

A professional exterminator brings years of experience to stop bugs and keep them out. They’re highly trained and have access to the latest tools and techniques that can keep your home pest-free for good. They’ll examine your home for access points and deploy safe treatments. Some exterminators, like Bug Man, even offer green pest solutions that are eco-friendly and pet and child-safe!

Many exterminators even offer a preventative maintenance plan that addresses pest concerns specific to each season. It’s a great set-it-an-forget-it solution to pest control for busy homeowners.

Get Professional Pest Control in Roanoke and the Surrounding Areas

If you’re ready to take control of your pest problem, Bug Man Exterminating is here to help. We treat over 30 types of pests for homeowners across Roanoke and Christiansburg. We’re trusted to deliver reliable professional, green pest control for lasting results.

Ready to stop bugs and keep them out of your home?

Get started by scheduling your free inspection and estimate with Bug Man.